“It Grieveth Me That I Should Lose This Tree”

Joseph F. McConkie, Robert L. Millet

The Lord Jehovah has a special love for his people Israel. They distinguished themselves in premortality and came to earth through a designated royal lineage. They are his people, the people of his covenant, and he will labor with infinite patience in their behalf. “The literal seed of Abraham’s body, his natural descendants, those born with his blood flowing in their veins-though they be scattered and scourged and lost in all nations- yet they have a right to certain blessings. They have a right to hear the gospel, and if they accept it, to receive the priesthood, to have their own family units continue everlastingly so that they with Abraham shall have eternal life. If they believe, they have the right to the gospel, the priesthood, and eternal life because they are the seed of Abraham. The Lord operates through families; in general he sends his choice spirits to earth in the lineage of Abraham.” (New Witness, p. 37; italics in original.)

Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 2
