“Before Ye Seek for Riches Seek Ye for the Kingdom of God”

W. Cleon Skousen

Jacob said they must obey what Jesus would later preach as the second great commandment: they should love their brethren or neighbors like unto themselves. Jacob said they should be familiar with the less fortunate and generous with their riches so that eventually all might be rich in the good things of life. We should pause here to note that sharing riches with others must be done prudently or it will corrupt rather than bless those who receive them. King Benjamin will later emphasize how this must be done in “wisdom and order” just as it is done in our modern welfare program, where means are provided so that the poor can be more effective in helping themselves.

Jacob then gave his famous declaration concerning the seeking of riches. Note that he looked upon riches as blessings from God and the means by which men can do much good. However, as Paul points out, to go after riches just to be rich is abominable before God and a snare to the greedy souls who practice it. That is why Paul bluntly declared that “the love of money is the root of all evil.”1

Jacob said that before a person goes out to make his fortune in the world he should first seek the kingdom of God. This means that he should repent of his sins, enter into a covenant with the Lord, and commit himself to a life of service and responsibility before God. Then he is prepared to go forth and garner together those things which will be a blessing to himself and his family as well as to his neighbors. This is the Lord’s way.

Jacob told his listeners that after they obtain a hope in Christ it is entirely appropriate to go forth and work diligently to garner together the good things of the earth. However, they were to seek them for the intent to do good. He furnished them with some specific examples: clothing the naked, feeding the hungry, liberating the captive or those people under bond for indebtedness, and administering relief to the sick and afflicted.

Treasures from the Book of Mormon
