Nephi Has Loved His People All of His Life

John W. Welch

One of Nephi’s great characteristics is his love and concern for his people. As I read through this chapter, I thought, "We know our current Church Presidents so well." If we only had one speech from President Monson or from President Nelson, we would know part of him, but not nearly as much as having had him as our leader for so many years. We knew President Hinckley so well; we knew President McKay so well. What would it be like to be one of Nephi’s people, to have had him as a leader for thirty or forty years? To get to know Nephi, we have to read between the lines. As we do, we can see a lot of depth and admirable aspects of his character that we can only regret that we haven’t been able to get to know him better.

John W. Welch Notes
