Baptism Is a Covenant of Admittance and Entrance

John W. Welch

The Book of Mormon very clearly teaches about the covenant of baptism (31:7, 10, 13, 14). Nephi frames the doctrine of Christ—the gospel, with baptism at the center—as an important gateway. It is "the gate" (31:17). People in the ancient world would rarely have thought of just wandering into a gated city without permission, authority, and an agreement to abide by the laws of that city. When we compare our mode of baptism to the forms of baptism used in other faiths, however, what do we typically emphasize? Immersion, of course, and also that it is performed by authority. But also, we should make it clear that baptism is a covenant of admittance and entrance. Sometimes we don’t mention that covenantal aspect of baptism as prominently as we might.

John W. Welch Notes
