2 Nephi 30:10-15

Brant Gardner

In the previous verse, Nephi began to quote from Isaiah 11, which we have in the Book of Mormon as 2 Nephi 21. He quoted verse 4, and then inserts verse 5, which is the first verse in this episode. Nephi’s insertion makes clear that this is a prophecy of the end, and a time when there is a division between the people of God and the people of the adversary, or the wicked. This picks up on his theme of opposition which has influenced much of his prophetic language, including his opposition between the church of Jehovah and the great and abominable church, which are symbolic opposites.

Verses 11 through 15 quote Isaiah 11:5–9, or 2 Nephi 21:5–9.

Book of Mormon Minute
