What is the fallacy of those who claim “there is no God today”?

Thomas R. Valletta

“A beloved Quaker teacher and writer, Rufus Jones, … said: ‘Vital religion cannot be maintained and preserved on the theory that God dealt with our human race only in the far past ages, and that the Bible is the only evidence we have that our God is a living, revealing, communicating God. If God ever spoke, He is still speaking. He is the great I Am, not the great He Was.’ (A Flash of Eternity.)

“This is a significant expression of fundamental truth. Our own understanding of that principle is that God communicates with his children, and that he has revealed, does now reveal, and will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to his kingdom” (Hanks, “Loving, Communicating God,” 63).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
