2 Nephi 27:1-2

Brant Gardner

The current chapter, 2 Nephi 27, is the final part of the original chapter that encompassed chapters 25 through 27. The first verse of this chapter continued without break from the end of our Chapter 26. In Chapter 26, Nephi had begun to interweave his vision and understanding with references and quotations from Isaiah 29. That same process continues in this chapter.

Nephi had been speaking of the last days, but specifically the last days in which the Book of Mormon would be brought to light. That continues to be the reference in this chapter. This chapter continues the focus on the coming forth of the Book of Mormon.

It is possible that the last phrase of verse one, “they will be drunken with iniquity,” looks forward to when Nephi will quote Isaiah 29:9 (see 2 Nephi 27:4), which mentions humankind in the last days being drunk, but not with wine.

The second verse quotes most of Isaiah 29:6. It is possible that Nephi sees this as a prophecy related to the destructions in 3 Nephi. Those do precede the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, although by about one thousand eighteen hundred years. All of the prophecy is in Nephi’s future, so he may or may not have been clear on how much time separated the events.

Book of Mormon Minute
