2 Nephi 26:10-11

Brant Gardner

After the four hundred years Nephi mentioned in the previous verse, his people will be destroyed. Again, he declares: “I have seen it; wherefore, I know that it shall come to pass.” He saw it in his vision which was associated with the tree of life. Nephi continues to interweave his vision with the themes from Isaiah. In this case, there is no reference to Isaiah as this is very specific to the Nephite nation.

Nephi indicates that “the Spirit of the Lord will not always strive with man.” The Nephites will have had access to the Spirit of the Lord and the Lord’s protection. However, that protection is conditional upon righteousness. The Lord certainly tolerates times when humankind might be in need of repentance, and they are given time to do so. However, there will come a time, when there is too much unrighteousness, perhaps for too long, perhaps with no indication of repentance—when that Spirit will be withdrawn. When the Spirit is withdrawn, the promise of protection is withdrawn, and, therefore, Nephi declares that “then cometh speedy destruction.”

Book of Mormon Minute
