Is this identification of the Messiah by name a first among Book of Mormon prophets?

Thomas R. Valletta

While the title “Christ” first appears in 2 Nephi 10:3, this is the first time the name-title “Jesus Christ” is used in the Book of Mormon. In both instances, these names were given by angels to the Nephite brothers Jacob and Nephi (see Holland, Christ and the New Covenant, 69). However, this is not the first time the name was known to prophets. “The name of the Messiah—revealed to us as Jesus Christ, meaning literally ‘Jehovah is salvation, the anointed one’—was known from the very beginning of earth’s history [see Moses 6:51–52; 7:50; 8:24; Ether 3:14]” (McConkie and Millet, Doctrinal Commentary, 1:292).

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