2 Nephi 25:14-15

Brant Gardner

The children of Israel had a perception of history that was cyclical. Knowing the past could inform the future because history ran in cycles and many important events repeated. The people of Mesoamerica were even more attuned to cycles of history. Not only might events recur, but elements of creation recurred. Thus, in the setting of a Mesoamerican culture, it would have been easily understood that a destruction of Israel by the hand of the Assyrians would similarly apply in Lehi’s day to the destruction of Jerusalem by the hand of the Babylonians. Nephi declares that it will happen again in the time of the Messiah. Verse 15 mentions Babylon, but here as a symbol of the nation that would destroy Jerusalem. It is an association based on Nephi’s experience with Babylon, but will also reference first the Romans who would again scatter the Jews from Jerusalem, as well as all future opponents to Jehovah.

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