How does Nephi’s plainness help us understand Isaiah’s worth in these last days?

Thomas R. Valletta

“We can benefit from Nephi’s plainness, in which ‘no man can err.’ Nephi intentionally avoided the manner of prophesying among the Jews; the Book of Mormon does not follow all the Hebraic literary styles. Isaiah is difficult only because the Jews desired it (compare Jacob 4:14–18). Knowing the prophecies in our day we can see them fulfilled. … Isaiah’s prophecies are of great worth particularly to us in the last days. The phrase ‘in that day’ appears forty-three times in Isaiah. His teachings are recorded for our good, to help us be prepared and involved in bringing about the great purposes of God” (Ogden and Skinner, Book of Mormon, 1:96).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
