What honors and reward will Satan eventually gain?

Thomas R. Valletta

“Lucifer will not have any honor such as the mortal kings of earth have, though he will have some temporary power on the earth … (v. 16; see Moses 1:19–21). He did not want the doors of the (spirit) prison to be opened (v. 17), but he was powerless against Christ’s atoning power. … Lucifer will have no tomb (‘house’ [KJV] or body, v. 19), and he will be thrown into a pit (of outer darkness) without any posterity (v. 20). Finally, he and his sons of perdition will be cast off the earth when it receives its celestial glory (v. 21). The ultimate humiliation is that they will … fade into oblivion (v. 20)” (Ludlow, Isaiah, 188–89).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
