
Alan C. Miner

Pathros is Egyptian p't'--rs(y), "the Southland," in essence Upper Egypt, the long Nile valley extending north-south between Cairo and Aswan. Thus, the terms Mizraim for Egypt (Genesis 10:14; 1 Chronicles 1;12), especially Lower Egypt, Pathros for Upper Egypt and Cush for "Ethiopia (North Sudan) occur in this significantly geographical order both in a prophecy of Isaiah (11:11) and in a subsequent inscription of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria. Jeremiah similarly identifies Pathros with Egypt (Jeremiah 44:15) and specifically Upper Egypt as distinct from the cities (and land) of Lower Egypt (Jeremiah 44:1). [Tyndale House, The Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Vol. 3, p. 1159]

2 Nephi 21:11 Pathros ([Illustration]): Old Testament Africa. [Tyndale House, The Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Vol. 1, p. 18]

2 Nephi 21:11 Pathros ([Illustration]): The Course of the River Nile. [Tyndale House, The Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Vol. 2, p. 1087]

Step by Step Through the Book of Mormon: A Cultural Commentary
