2 Nephi 21:4-9

Brant Gardner

Although Isaiah links these events to Jehovah’s turning against Assyria, they are clearly descriptions of the final days. Therefore, it is not a turning against Assyria, but Assyria has become the symbol for all who oppose and fight against Israel and Jehovah. When this shoot and branch appear, it will be the Messiah. That Messiah will be the ruler and, therefore, in a position to judge, and to judge with righteousness.

The result of this Messianic rule is the removal of conflict. This is symbolized by the wolf dwelling with the lamb. As a nation heavily involved in sheepherding, Israel understood the typical relationship between wolves and lambs, and would therefore clearly understand the significant alteration of the world order indicated by the prey and the preyed upon living in peace together.

The other images continue the symbolism of the removal of conflicts and dangers, culminating in the statement that “they shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain.” The earth will become the holy mountain, which itself is symbolic of the temple, which is symbolic of Jehovah’s dwelling place. Therefore, Jehovah will dwell, and reign, on the earth.

Book of Mormon Minute
