What do these verses teach us about latter-day temples?

Thomas R. Valletta

“This prophecy speaks to us in our day. The gathering of Israel, temples, and temple service are the principal themes in this section; we will ‘flow’ upwards to the temple mountain, learn of God’s ways (in the temple), and walk in God’s paths (in the temple). In addition, temple service and worship ([Isaiah] 2:2–3) are directly connected to worldwide peace and prosperity ([Isaiah] 2:4); that is, temple attendance ([Isaiah] 2:2) results in peace ([Isaiah] 2:4), a desire to learn of God ([Isaiah] 2:3), and a willingness to walk in his light ([Isaiah] 2:5). Micah presents the same prophecy in his writings (Micah 4:1–3)” (Parry et al., Understanding Isaiah, 24).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
