2 Nephi 4:31-32

Brant Gardner

In the previous verses Nephi rejoiced in Jehovah, who was the rock of his salvation. Lest we misunderstand, that “salvation” is the same as the Messiah’s redemption. In the context of redemption, when Nephi asks to be delivered from his enemies, he has shifted from the enemies in the world, and turned to the enemies to his spirit. Thus, right after asking deliverance from his enemies, he asks to be delivered from even the appearance of sin. This tells us that he has now poetically shifted to an enemy that is sin itself.

Nephi declares that he is worthy of redemption. In Psalms 34:18 we hear: “The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.” Nephi declares that he is one of those who qualify. Thus, he can be redeemed from the separation from God’s presence, which is hell. The gates of hell represent the barrier that the soul cannot pass in and of itself. A redeemer is required.

Book of Mormon Minute
