2 Nephi 4:28-30

Brant Gardner

At this point Nephi turns his thoughts to the positive side. He has lamented his human nature in spite of the times Jehovah had supported him. Now he pleads for the continuation of that support. It is perhaps a poetic borrowing that has Nephi speak of awakening his soul. Lehi had admonished Laman and Lemuel to awake (2 Nephi 1:13 and 23). Nephi exhorts himself to follow that admonition.

Specifically, he mentions enemies again. At this point in the storyline, Laman and Lemuel have not yet become the enemies of his people, but by the time he writes, they have been enemies for some time. We learn in the next chapter that they once again sought his life.

Nephi had mentioned that Jehovah had blessed him, yet he felt sorrow for the times he fell from his righteous expectations. Now he rejoices in Jehovah.

Book of Mormon Minute
