2 Nephi 4:3-7

Brant Gardner

Lehi calls Laman’s family to him and pronounces a blessing on them. This is a difficult blessing because Lehi has seen the possibility, and perhaps the inevitability, that Laman’s seed would not keep the commandments. Lehi, therefore, reiterates the promise of the land, that they would prosper if they kept the commandments.

Lehi teaches them from the scriptures, referencing Proverbs 22:6: “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Right after that reference, Lehi says, “If ye are cursed." Lehi, as a prophet, understands that it is their destiny to be cursed, and cursed because of their father, Laman. Hence, he cites Proverbs to suggest that the lack of being brought up “in the way” would be laid at Laman’s feet and not theirs. The curse is to be taken from them and “answered upon the heads of your parents.”

The ultimate blessing is that their seed will continue.

Book of Mormon Minute
