2 Nephi 4:1-2

Brant Gardner

The last chapter ended the same way that Chapter 3 ended. Each ended as Nephi testified amen to what had been said. As noted in the commentary on 2 Nephi 2:25, when the speaker or writer testifies to what has been written with amen, the chapter ends. This happens even when the events of the chapter have not been concluded. Although this will be more obvious when we examine Mormon’s writings, we see it here. Verses 1 and 2 are Nephi’s conclusion to what has gone before, rather than his introduction to the topic of this chapter.

Specifically, Nephi notes that the prophecies that Lehi pronounced were those that were on the plates of brass; therefore, the reference is to the prophecies of Joseph of Egypt that Lehi discussed in the previous chapter. In this chapter, the focus will turn to Lehi’s grandchildren, and prophecies and promises for them.

Nephi concludes the themes that Lehi had presented by noting that Joseph of Egypt had prophesied about Lehi’s seed. This references the branch broken off from Israel that Lehi referenced in 2 Nephi 3:5. Nevertheless, the reiteration that Joseph of Egypt spoke of Lehi’s future generations does allow Nephi to move smoothly into Lehi’s blessings upon his grandchildren.

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