2 Nephi 3:18 Textual Variants

Royal Skousen
and I behold I will give unto him that he shall write the writing of the fruit of thy loins unto the fruit of thy loins

Ross Geddes (personal communication, 11 November 2004) suggests that in this verse the phrase a commandment may be missing after “I will give unto him”. In accord with usage elsewhere in the text, Geddes notes that we expect some direct object complement in addition to the that- clause. Such an emendation, either a commandment or perhaps commandment alone, could be supported by the following passages in this same chapter:

Elsewhere the text has 14 more instances of “to give (a) commandment” followed by a that- clause that describes what that commandment is:

On the other hand, there are a few examples in the text of “to give unto someone” followed by a that- clause but without any specific direct object. In three of these cases, the expression means ‘to allow or empower someone to do something’:

And it is this interpretation that works quite appropriately in 2 Nephi 3:18: the Lord gave Joseph Smith the power to obtain the words of the text. The word commandment is not necessary here in 2 Nephi 3:18, and the critical text will retain the current reading.

Geddes also suggests that the repetitive “I behold I” is possibly a dittography. There are no other examples of this kind of repetition in the Book of Mormon text. And, in fact, there are two momentary errors in 𝓟 that suggest Oliver Cowdery could have accidentally added an extra I before behold I, either as a misreading of a preceding and (which would have been written as an ampersand in the original manuscript) or as the result of a momentary omission of the word behold:

On the other hand, there is evidence for this usage “I behold I” in the biblical text; we have these five examples in the King James Bible:

Note that all of these biblical examples have a preceding and, as does the example here in 2 Nephi 3:18, which argues that “and I behold I” is correct. The critical text will therefore retain this instance of “I behold I” here in 2 Nephi 3:18, despite its uniqueness in the Book of Mormon text.

Summary: Maintain the earliest text in 2 Nephi 3:18 with its initial phraseology “and I behold I” but without the noun commandment (or the phrase a commandment) after the predicate “will give unto him”.

2 Nephi 3:20, pages 528–529

2 Nephi 3:20–21, page 529, between lines 16 and 17

2 Nephi 3:24, page 530

Analysis of Textual Variants of the Book of Mormon, Part. 1
