“I Have None Other Object Save It Be the Everlasting Welfare of Your Souls”

Ed J. Pinegar, Richard J. Allen

Both Lehi and Sariah are admirable examples of parents with a pure motivation for the eternal happiness and joy of their children. Thus, Lehi closes his mortal ministry with a plea to his children in which he lays out choices and the consequences of these choices with clarity and parental love, having no other object “save it be the everlasting welfare” of their souls (see 2 Nephi 2:30). His final loving exhortation to his children is the same counsel we should convey to our own families: “Look to the great Mediator, and hearken unto his great commandments: and be faithful unto his words, and choose eternal life, according to the will of his Holy Spirit; And not choose eternal death, according to the will of the flesh and the evil which is therein, which giveth the spirit of the devil power to captivate” (2 Nephi 2:28–29).

Commentaries and Insights on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 1
