The Way Is Prepared and Salvation Is Free

John W. Welch

"And the way is prepared from the fall of man and salvation is free." There was a way that led to the Tree of Life, and that path had to be protected by flaming swords so that the people wouldn’t partake of the fruit early and live forever in an impure state. Lehi knew that, from the moment that Adam and Eve were discovered in a fallen state after their transgression, a way was provided and a Savior was promised so that they would not perish.

In the flesh, Jesus Christ will say, "I am the truth and the way and the life." And the word that he uses there for way is this word that is also in Genesis 3. It is in Lehi’s vision as well, with the iron rod that guides you on the way. Walking in the way is one of the main themes of Psalm 1, which is the introduction of the path that leads back to God. We need a Redeemer, someone who will offer us the gift of salvation.

All people will be resurrected with a gift that is definitely free. Gerald Lund has argued very cogently, that our resurrection is free because all people must stand physically in His presence. But if the grace of Christ did not also create the way in which we could move up that path toward exaltation, all would be in vain. So, not only is our resurrection free and given to all people, but the creation of the path and the way in which we can become exalted is also free and open to all people. Furthermore, moving along that path is also possible for all people, because everyone has been "instructed sufficiently that they know good from evil" (2:5).

John W. Welch Notes
