“in the Arms of His Love”

Brant Gardner

Lehi's reference to the Lord redeeming his soul from hell is not a statement of Lehi's unrighteousness, but rather of the nature of the atonement. The sojourn in hell would have been his fate were it not for the redemption of the Savior, and event yet to come, but in which Lehi has firm faith. Lehi's declaration of faith shows to his sons the depth of his understanding and commitment. Lehi tells them that he has beheld the glory of the Lord, and that he is encircled eternally in the arms of the Lord's love. That level of personal interaction and understanding speaks volumes of the righteousness and quality of Lehi's soul. While Nephi may not have chosen to discuss Lehi much in Nephi's narrative, it is certain from this statement that Lehi continued to be a strong patriarchal leader of his family.

Multidimensional Commentary on the Book of Mormon
