1 Nephi 22:25-28

Brant Gardner

Nephi often emphasizes Isaiah’s verses about the scattering of Israel. It is understandable that he should, for his family was driven from Jerusalem, and found themselves upon an isle of the sea, a phrase seen in Isaiah. What Nephi also emphasizes is an ultimate gathering. This prophetic emphasis on the final gathering of scattered Israel is important in Nephi and Jacob, but fades the longer the Nephites are in the New World. Future generations did not feel the separation that Nephi and Jacob personally remembered. Thus, they did not have a longing to recover from a separation they had not really known.

As Nephi ends his pesher on Isaiah 49, and it is much more about 49 than the also included Isaiah 48, he ends with a gathering from the four quarters of the earth. For Nephi, that is the ultimate goal, to bring all of scattered Israel together.

Nephi had begun this exegesis by noting that Isaiah could be read both temporally and spiritually. While Nephi has spent the latter part of the exegesis on the prophetic future, he brings it back to a current perspective by noting that “all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people shall dwell safely in the Holy One of Israel if it so be that they will repent.” That is, after all, yet another statement of Jehovah’s promise of protection and prosperity in the new land, upon principles of righteousness.

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