What does it mean that the righteous will be “saved … by fire”?

Thomas R. Valletta

“Because the wicked will be destroyed by fire at the Second Coming, this verse might seem better worded if it said that the righteous are saved ‘from’ the fire, rather than ‘by’ the fire. Another verse of scriptures lends understanding to this idea. At the time of the flood, Noah and his family, in similar language are not saved ‘from’ the water but ‘by’ the water. (See 1 Peter 3:20.) At the time of both events the world was and will be completely cleansed of wickedness—once by water and once by fire. At the first cleansing the earth experienced a baptism of water and at the second cleansing a confirmation of spirit by fire” (Garner, Search These Things Diligently, 42).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
