1 Nephi 22:10-12

Brant Gardner

By this point, Nephi’s connection to the two chapters of Isaiah that he entered into his record has become tenuous. It is misleading to suggest that Nephi is making a commentary on Isaiah, for he is not explaining Isaiah as a commentary would, but he is rather using Isaiah as a platform for an expanded understanding. This process is similar to what is known as a pesher for the Old Testament. The word describes an interpretation of the scripture, not an explanation. Nephi is not examining what Isaiah meant, but how Isaiah can continue to provide rich meaning for Nephi’s current and future people.

In these verses, Nephi notes that the future gathering, a future healing of Israel, will only be accomplished as Jehovah shows his power among all nations. Jehovah will do that by bringing scattered Israel out of captivity. It will be completed when gathered Israel can again acknowledge Jehovah as the Mighty One of Israel.

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