Isaiah Prophesies of the Scattering of Israel

John W. Welch

In chapter 19, Nephi has spoken of the coming of Christ. Chapter 20 (quoting Isaiah 48) then pertains to the rejection of Jesus Christ by certain Jews in Jerusalem and, consequently, the complete scattering of Israel. Thus, Isaiah 48 speaks of Israel’s condition in apostasy: "They swear not in truth, nor in righteousness" (v. 1), and they do not "stay themselves upon the God of Israel" (v. 2). This is because of their stiffneckedness, even after having been shown the truth (v. 4). Nevertheless, Isaiah says, God will defer his anger for His name’s sake and will refrain from cutting Israel off (v. 9), but will refine them in a furnace of affliction (v. 10) and lead them through the deserts (v. 21). They will be scattered and cast out, but the promise still stands that Israel will eventually come forth out of the world (v. 20). The chapter ends by seeing no peace for the wicked (v. 22). When you read this chapter in connection with stage 2 of the Nephite World View, you can spot each of these and several more points of relevance to the covenant House of Israel, to the situation of Lehi’s family, to the scattering and hardships suffered by Jesus’s early followers, and also as valuable instruction in your own personal life.

John W. Welch Notes
