“Hear Ye the Words of the Prophet”

Alan C. Miner

According to John Gee, when Nephite prophets quoted Isaiah, they followed a regular pattern. The pattern they used in citing and interpreting Isaiah in the Book of Mormon may be standardized as follows:

A. Introduction

B. Citation of a passage of scripture

C. Quotation of parts of the text and interpretation of the passage by explaining and defining terms

D. Conclusion by quoting the closing verses of the section.

[John Gee, "Choose the Things That Please Me": On the Selection of the Isaiah Sections in the Book of Mormon," in Isaiah in the Book of Mormon, p. 76]

1 Nephi 19:23 I did read unto them that which was written by the prophet Isaiah ([Illustration]): "Outlines of Passages Quoting Isaiah," [John Gee, "Choose the Things That Please Me": On the Selection of the Isaiah Sections in the Book of Mormon," in Isaiah in the Book of Mormon, p. 76]

Step by Step Through the Book of Mormon: A Cultural Commentary
