1 Nephi 19:15-17

Brant Gardner

After describing the sad state of the world’s perception of the children of Israel, Nephi turns to the more positive prophecy. Even though their rejection of their God caused a time of separation from his protection, yet he would recover them. Jehovah’s gathering of the children of Israel would come as he remembered the covenants with their fathers, and renewed them.

The recovery would also come to the isles of the sea. Nephi was born in the Old World and keenly felt the enforced separation from the land of his inheritance. While on what he considered to be an isle of the sea, he longed for the prophesied reunification of the branches of Israel. Thus, Jehovah will remember the covenants with the children of Israel in both the Old World and on the isles of the sea. Even more, from the four quarters of the earth.

The final declaration that “all the earth shall see the salvation of the Lord,” is that inclusive recovery and gathering of all of the children of Israel, from whatever quarter of the earth they might be, and whether a natural branch or a branch grafted in.

Book of Mormon Minute
