Why refer to the God of nature?

Thomas R. Valletta

One author has described the Savior’s suffering thus: Nature and all her components were joined in horrifying harmony. … The elements wrenched and writhed in all their fury as undeniable proof of a suffering that was no doubt galactic—that affected every man, every animal, every fish, every plant, and every element in that expanse of space called the universe. The Savior’s suffering was like a prodigious boulder thrown into the midst of a glassy pond—the ripples emanating from Gethsemane and Calvary would, as President John Taylor said, ‘spread throughout all space’ and for the moment ‘all eternity [was] pained’ (D&C 38:12)” (Callister, Infinite Atonement, 126).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
