1 Nephi 19:7 Textual Variants

Royal Skousen
they [do 0A|do >js NULL 1| BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST] set him at naught and hearken not to the voice of his counsels

Here Joseph Smith once more removed the biblical use of the auxiliary do. Such editing was never applied consistently; thus we find, for instance, an unedited example of “do set” in Helaman 12:6 (“they do set at naught his counsels”). The critical text will restore all cases of the auxiliary do when supported by the earliest textual sources. For further discussion, see 1 Nephi 2:14 or, more generally, under do auxiliary in volume 3.

Summary: Restore the biblical phraseology “do set” here in 1 Nephi 19:7 since the earliest text reads this way.

Analysis of Textual Variants of the Book of Mormon, Part. 1
