1 Nephi 18:24-25

Brant Gardner

As part of the conclusion of their journey, Nephi gives a nod to Genesis, where each new phase is greeted with the acknowledgement that it was good. Thus, they are in their new land of promise, and its goodness is witnessed by fecundity. They have what they need to sustain themselves. They have abundance.

It would be interesting if the abundance here is intended to echo the naming of the Old World as Bountiful—to leave a land of bounty to arrive in another.

The most important part of the verse about finding the animals and ore is the part about the ore. It is not complete in the current chapter divisions, because it is separated from the verse it leads to. The first verse of chapter 19 followed directly after this verse, with no chapter break. The significance of that connection will be examined with the first verse of chapter 19.

Book of Mormon Minute
