1 Nephi 17:33-40

Brant Gardner

These verses reinforce the message begun in the previous verses. There is a place promised for Israel, and a place promised to Lehi. In both cases, Jehovah will raise up his righteous nation, and destroy the wicked. However, the language continues to reflect the newer theological twist from the New World. It is not simply Israel against the world, but the righteous against the wicked. It is the righteous who are led, and the wicked who are destroyed to make room for them.

However, lest anyone assume that this is a promise to a lineage, Nephi clarifies: “and he loveth those who will have him to be their God.” That is not Jehovah the exclusive God of Israel, but Jehovah the God of all. These are verses that reflect the New World Nephi’s perspective, and probably the necessity of intermingling with the peoples they found in the New World.

Book of Mormon Minute
