1 Nephi 16:30-32

Brant Gardner

Of course, it was “I, Nephi,” who followed the directions on the ball and went for food. Of course, following the director’s instructions, Nephi was successful. The story began with extreme danger to the family, and ends with a small miracle by which the family could be fed.

This was a single occasion, and certainly the celebration when receiving the food was spontaneous and seen as salvation. However, the journey is not over, and the next day they will need food again. Perhaps the brothers did make bows so that there were more men hunting to provide for the family. We don’t know, and that isn’t the point of the story. The story is here to continue to show Nephi growing into his divinely appointed role.

This story ends with Nephi returning to “our tents,” not specifically the tent of his father. This is a variation on the connector he has used for his divisions between stories, but it functions in the same way. The incident of the broken bow is over. It is time to move to the next story.

Book of Mormon Minute
