Here is one of the great promises in all of scripture, a guarantee of safety during the tumultuous last days—safety and salvation. Whoever will hold fast to the word of God, especially the Book of Mormon, will “never perish.” What does it mean to “hold fast” to the rod? If you are in a river, sinking and about to drown, and someone extends you a branch, how do you hold onto it? You grab it tightly and cling to it for dear life. That is how you must hold firmly to the word of God.
In Nephi’s analogy, in a sense we are all dartboards and Satan is a professional dart thrower. What are the “fiery darts” he is hurling at us? Immoral and violent movies, pornographic Internet sites, worldly music, profane and crude language, sexual perversions and deviations, the allure of materialism, and many more.
If you are treasuring up the word, you will not have to debate whether or not to indulge in these things; they will be repulsive to your spirit. You will not be blinded by the world’s example. “Whoso treasureth up my word, shall not be deceived” (Joseph Smith–Matthew 1:37). The adversary will not overpower you; he will have “no power over you” (Helaman 5:12). That is a sure promise, and a comforting one.