Who is “all the house of Israel” spoken of by Lehi?

Thomas R. Valletta

“Lehi and his seed are not the only branch to be grafted into the olive tree. All of the branches of the house of Israel will be grafted in. The allegory of Zenos speaks of three natural branches. Nephi spoke to his brothers of one of the two other natural branches, ‘the restoration of the Jews in the latter days’ (v. 19). … The other branch, the lost tribes, will be identified. … The covenant made to Abraham will be fulfilled in the latter days through the grafting in of the natural braches and in offering of the blessings of the gospel to all nations as Abraham was promised (v. 18)” (Nyman, I, Nephi, Wrote This Record, 222; see also commentary in this volume on Jacob 5:39).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
