What are the “other books” Nephi saw come forth?

Thomas R. Valletta

“The Lord in his foreknowledge provided a way to counteract the work of the devil in taking away the plain and precious things. He brought forth other scriptures, The Book of Mormon, The Doctrine and Covenants, The Pearl of Great Price. … There were four purposes of the Lord in bringing forth these other records. … First, … to establish the truth of the records of the prophets. … Second, to make known the plain and precious parts that had been lost. … Third, to ‘make known … that the Lamb of God is the Son of the Eternal Father. … ’ Fourth … to make known that ‘all men must come unto (Christ) or they cannot be saved’” (Nyman, I, Nephi, Wrote This Record, 184).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
