“Truth Which Is in the Lamb of God”

Joseph F. McConkie, Robert L. Millet

History repeated itself in New Testament times. The inspired word flowed from Spirit-guided pens; inspired men kept the records; and true believers rejoiced in the truths that thus were theirs. True, there were apostates and traitors even while the apostles lived, but at least there was divine guidance that identified the true word and kept the faithful from following every false and evil wind of doctrine.

But after the passing of those who held the keys by which the mind and will of the lord can be gained; after the holy apostles mingled their blood with that of the prophets who were before them; after the age of inspiration ceased-all was no longer well with the written word. Wolves scattered the flock and tore the flesh of the saints; false teachers led the church into apostate darkness; the post-apostolic fathers wrote their own views-and there was no way to distinguish with divine certainty the light from above from the darkness that soon covered the earth. (New Witness, pp. 403-4)

Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 1
