“The Multitude… Were in a Large and Spacious Building”

Joseph F. McConkie, Robert L. Millet
That is to say, those who fight against Zion and its leaders-in the first century as well as in any century thereafter when the church and kingdom of God are established on earth-are more caught up with the wisdom and wealth of the world than with the treasures of heaven, more enamored with appearance and applause than with divine approbation. Since such are devoid of the Spirit of God themselves, the things of God seem to be but foolishness to them (see 1 Corinthians 2:11-14). Consequently they sit statusfully in their secular chapels and mock and taunt and persecute the true believers.

“Who Believed in The… Revelations of God”

As with Nephi and his brothers, so with Joseph Smith and those who oppose him- they refuse to accept the warnings and revelations of God. Today virtually every anti-LDS argument reduces itself to a rejection of modern and continuing revelation.

“A Man Among the Gentiles”

This is an obvious reference to the coming of Christopher Columbus to what “was later known as the Americas.”

Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 1
