1 Nephi 11:22-24

Brant Gardner

The translation of the Book of Mormon often tosses in language borrowed from the New Testament. In this case, Nephi answers his guide, saying that “it is the love of God, which sheddeth itself abroad.” This echoes Romans 5:5, which says “because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts.” This type of borrowing is literary in the translation, and does not imply that the specific words were on Nephi’s plates.

The impact of Nephi’s vision is encapsulated at this point. In verse 21 (discussed in the previous episode), Nephi is shown the tree. Now he is asked if he knows what it means. Nephi replies that he does. His explanation of the tree is important. The first meaning he gives is that it is the love of God. However, the rest of the response defines what the love of God is.

Remember that Nephi said that the love of God “sheddeth itself abroad.” In verse 24 he is shown “the Son of God going forth among the children of men.” Thus, the definition of the love of God is the mission of the Son of God. The love of God is spread abroad as the Son of God goes forth, or abroad, among the children of men.

Book of Mormon Minute
