1 Nephi 8:36-38

Brant Gardner

There is no chapter break at this point in the 1830 edition. It is somewhat unfortunate that we have a chapter break at this very point, because it makes it feel that these verses are the conclusion to Lehi’s vision. They are not. Even though they continue to speak of Lehi’s concern for Laman and Lemuel, they serve to transition from the sad vision of Laman and Lemuel not partaking of the fruit to Lehi’s explanation of how that might not be their ultimate fate.

The dream caused Lehi to exhort them “to all diligence” as we discover in 1 Nephi 10:3. Nephi’s plan for this dream was to lead into his father’s discussion of the coming Messiah, the theme that Nephi will demonstrate was the real message of the dream. We miss the powerful turning point between the dream and the next exhortation that flows from it. It is obscured because Nephi got sidetracked. The next chapter (after the first verse), was not a planned part of Nephi’s narrative.

If we want the desired literary effect, we can read to the end of 1 Nephi 8, then read verse 1 of Chapter 9. Then skip to verse 2 of Chapter 10. What comes between is interesting and important, but it is an aside.

Book of Mormon Minute
