1 Nephi 8:17-18

Brant Gardner

In the previous verses, Lehi saw Sariah, Sam, and Nephi at a distance. They didn’t know where to go, so Lehi called to them. They came.

In this part of the dream we get the contrast. Lehi also sees Laman and Lemuel afar off. As a good parent, he desires the same for them as for his other sons. Sam and Nephi have partaken of the fruit, and have partaken of the joy that Lehi knew when he partook of the fruit. That joy was one to be shared. Now Lehi wishes to share it with Laman and Lemuel.

As with the others, Lehi sees them. As with the others, he certainly beckoned them. The difference is that they would not come. That is a statement of individual will. It wasn’t that they just didn’t know where to go. Perhaps they were as Sariah, Sam, and Nephi in the beginning, not knowing where to go. However, the way had been shown just as clearly as it had been shown to Sariah, Sam, and Nephi.

They now clearly heard the call. They were certainly informed of the desirability of the goal. Yet they refused. The vision will continue by expanding Laman and Lemuel into a broader vision of God’s children as all attempt to find the joy to which we are beckoned.

Book of Mormon Minute
