1 Nephi 7:17-19

Brant Gardner

The actual events diverge from the literary parallel at this point. Nephi prays for strength and breaks his bonds. Although Nephi attributed his deliverance to Jehovah, Nephi has already told us that he was large and strong for his age. Therefore, it is unlikely that Laman and Lemuel mention the hand of God in Nephi’s breaking of the bonds.

After Nephi is free, he “spake unto them again.” Nephi doesn’t tell us what he said, but whatever it was, Laman and Lemuel didn’t take it well, and were probably even angrier. They take him again, but some of Ishmael’s family members spoke up for him. We are told that it was a daughter and wife of Ishmael, as well as one of the sons. Nephi doesn’t record which daughter it was, but it is unlikely to have been one of the two betrothed to Laman and Lemuel. They had already sided with Laman and Lemuel, and doubtless would continue to do so.

Hugh Nibley sees importance in having the women plead for Nephi. He suggests that it was an Arab tradition that a man should respect the pleading of a mother or daughter. If they were that angry, it might have required a socially acceptable reason to deescalate. Otherwise, their pride might have required that they follow through with their threats.

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