1 Nephi 7:16

Brant Gardner

Laman and Lemuel’s reaction is, by now, predictable. When Nephi, their youngest brother, reprimands them, they become angry. This is a recurring pattern. In this case, however, Nephi writes the incident in a very specific way. He has previously written of his father’s genealogy, which traces back to Joseph of Egypt. Naturally, this is Nephi’s genealogy as well. It is, however, more than a genealogy under Nephi’s pen. The connection to Joseph becomes a literary parallel.

This becomes clear in this verse. Nephi presents himself as a second Joseph.

  • The prophecy that a younger brother would rule over the older brothers was such an obvious connection that Nephi strengthened the allusion. The parallels became another proof of Jehovah’s divine commission to Nephi.

    Book of Mormon Minute
