1 Nephi 4:19

Brant Gardner

How is it that Nephi could put on Laban’s garments after such a bloody death? A former police officer explained that in his experience, one of the more difficult tasks for a very drunk person is to walk down an incline. When unable to firmly balance due to drink, they gain too much speed as they go downhill, and eventually that speed overcomes their balance. They go down, and the natural position of the body has the head lower than the feet.

In such a condition, the blood from the cut naturally flows downhill, and that is away from the body and the clothing. It is probable that there was blood spatter on the clothing, but in the dark it would not be nearly as noticeable as large blood stains that might have happened had not Laban fallen with his head lower than the feet. Of course, nothing in the text tells us that this was how Laban fell, but knowing that he was drunk allows that probability.

Nephi dons the clothing because he still needs a way to get the plates. Even though Laban is much older, Nephi has already informed his readers that he was “large in stature” (1 Nephi 2:16). Perhaps that prepares his readers for this episode with Laban’s clothes. Nephi does not say that he donned Laban’s clothing at the continued suggestion of the Spirit, but the mild miracles which follow underscore that Nephi is still following divine guidance.

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