Nephi and His Brothers Offer Their Treasure to Laban

John W. Welch

So, the brothers tried again. After going from Jerusalem into the land of their inheritance (apparently somewhere in the lands of Manasseh), they collected their father’s wealth and returned with it to Laban’s house (3:22-23). They attempted not to "purchase" the plates, but rather to "give" their gold, silver, and precious gems to Laban hoping that he would then "give" them the plates. The sons of Lehi may have had a deeper motive than a simple trade for the plates. They could have reasoned with Laban, "We will give all of this treasure, we will consecrate everything we have, if you will just let us have that one item—the Brass Plates." Notice that they did not offer to buy the plates or ask the price. In the ancient world, ordinary people did not buy and sell sacred things. They were trying in righteousness to obtain the plates, but it did not work.

John W. Welch Notes
