1 Nephi 1:13-15

Brant Gardner

Lehi receives his important commission for that time. While his ultimate role would be to lead his family to a New World, the prophet of the New World would be Nephi, not Lehi. Lehi’s specific call was to Jerusalem, and to echo the same admonitions that the other prophets had delivered to it. Jerusalem had to repent or be destroyed. Lehi would flee Jerusalem before he witnessed the fulfillment of that prophecy.

What Nephi gives us after the commission, is his father’s reaction. It is one of praise for God. How could it not be, after two such spiritual witnesses? In this case, it is important to note that the language of praise reflects the vision he received. The vision begins in the council of the Gods, with God on his throne. In his praise, Lehi exclaims “thy throne is high in the heavens.” He had just seen that in a vision, and he reprises that experience in his praise.

Given the commission to preach repentance to an unrepentant Jerusalem, the final words that Nephi records are poignant. Lehi saw that Jerusalem would be destroyed and the inhabitants either perish by then sword or be carried away captive into Babylon. After that terrible image, Lehi declares: “because thou art merciful, thou wilt not suffer those who come unto thee that they shall perish!” Jerusalem might not repent, but those individuals who do repent, will not perish.

Book of Mormon Minute
